Africa Wildlife on BBC

I want to let you know about a new 6 part BBC “Africa” series that airs tonight, at least in the UK, on BBC One. Bats, eagles and shoebills from my neck of the woods (Kasanka National Park and Lake Bangweulu) will be featured. I’m not sure if Zambian footage will be in the first episode airing today, January 2, but check them all out if you can! If someone knows how to watch BBC One in Oregon please comment so myself and others will know. Can you get BBC One on cable? Satellite? Here in Zambia I feel a bit left behind in the technology race.

I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to see this, but I’m looking forward to it. I especially want to view the bats I saw at Kasanka National Park the day after Thanksgiving, 2012. It’s wonderful to see things on the ground (err, in the air for bats) and in person, but the film crew for this program went further into the “bat forest” and I know they’ll have some excellent shots of the huge straw-colored fruit bats.

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